Our team consists of professional musicians and singers. Based on your demand, we can create a band from a duo to a nonet.

Matouš Kobylka

saxophonist, clarinetist, EWI player

He performs with Ondřej Gregor Brzobohatý’s band, Joybox, Atomic Gigolo, Takin’ Off, Duo Duko and others.

Zuzana Miková


Zuzana is a Czech singer and songwriter with extensive experience on both the domestic and international music scenes.

Tereza Pomajslová


Lead singer of the band Joybox, one of the most sought-after bands for corporate and private events.

 Adéla Blažek Michálková


Adéla is a charismatic singer with an unmistakable voice and rich experience on the Czech music scene.

Tereza Mašková


Tereza Mašková vítězka páté řady pěvecké soutěže Česko Slovenská SuperStar.

Jan Šatra

trombonist, percussionist

Jan Šatra is a renowned Czech trombonist and percussionist.

Ibby Pop

musician, singer

Whose real name is Jacob Xavier Baro, is a unique musician, singer and multi-instrumentalist.

Tomáš Kozelka

Drummer & Music Producer

Experienced drummer and music producer with years of practice on the Czech music scene.

Petr Hádr


He initially played the guitar, but gradually fell in love with playing drums, which he has been devoted to ever since.

Hynek Obst

pianist, organistl

He is a respected pianist, organist, composer, arranger and musical chameleon of the music scene. 

Petr Mikeš

bassist and drummer 

Petr is an experienced and versatile musician who moves between two worlds – bass guitar and drums.

Kryštof Tomeček


His playing blends jazz sensitivity, funky energy, and a deep-rooted love for the blues.

Tomáš Vychytil


Works as an independent composer, sound director and musician in Czech and international scene.

Jakub Duša


Fenomenální kytarista s obrovským talentem s mezinárodními zkušenostmi.

Dalibor Joska Mucha


He is an experienced bass guitarist whose playing combines precision, musicality, and a deep sense of groove.

Jaroslav Kohoutek


Jaroslav is one of the most outstanding trumpeters of his generation.

Olga Kovaříková

singer, double bassist

Singer with a unique musical style that combines the rhythmic precision of the double bass with an vocal performance.

František Olša

zpěv, moderátor

Vystudoval Konzervatoř Jaroslava Ježka (2013-2017). Zúčastnil se několika vokálních kurzů v San Francisco, USA.

Jan Onder

profesionální tanečník, choreograf a pedagog

Profesionální tanečník, choreograf a pedagog se kromě tance věnuje moderování společenských akcí.

Elén Burešová


A Charismatic Singer with an Unmistakable Voice. Her voice captivates with its depth, emotion, and technical precision. 


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